Grottgrabbarna överlevde!

Hello, it's Travis, the guy on the right in the picture. We made it to the cave and set up camp. On the backside of the cave there are a lot of burnt out birch and spruce trees from the forest fire a few years ago, they make great firewood. Unfortunately the wind was blowing too hard through the cave for any meaningful amount of ambient temperature increase. So we killed a couple hours exploring around the place till it was getting dark and headed back down. We have plans to go again in a couple weeks, hopefully with more people.

P.S. Without being plugged in the car froze that night. Lucky for us it was at home and not mile 48 Chena Hot Springs Road. :D

Postat av: Ellinor

Vad bra att de överlevde=)

Hur kallt har ni det i alaska nu?

Här i Svenska norden hade vi 32,8 minusgrader i går morse. Det har inte varit över(under, ja alltså varmare än )- 20 på fyra dagar nu. Jag börjar lessna på kylan. Burr...

2011-02-16 @ 14:26:01
Postat av: Marie

Ellinor: Oj, det är mycket kallare hos er då, här börjar det tina. Det skiljer mycket mellan dalen och uppe på höjden här. Just nu är det -20.

2011-02-19 @ 04:24:18

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